Isaac & Rebekah

[Read Genesis 35:28, Galatians 4:28]

Now you, brothers and sisters, like Isaac, are children of promise.

“Promise” - both in word and dynamic - appears repeatedly throughout the Bible. Some count over 3,500 promises, others 7,000, and still others nearly 9,000. Regardless of how many one may count, it is clear that promises are important to both God and people.

God refers to a specific person as a “child of promise” – that person being Isaac (Galatians 4:28). The Bible tells us that Isaac was the one God had promised to Abraham and Sarah, and the events remind us that Isaac’s birth was solely due to God’s promise that Isaac was to be born. While all human elements pointed to his birth being impossible, God’s promise remained.

Fast-forward in time, and Isaac marries Rebekah. The promise of Christ’s lineage continues as Jacob and Esau are born. For all of Isaac’s 180 years, God’s enduring promise is evident. This enduring promise is also seen in Christ’s birth in Bethlehem - yet another fulfillment of a biblical promise.

Finally, fast-forward to the last recorded promise in the Bible. Jesus says, “Surely I am coming soon” (Revelation 22:20). This best promise is saved for last.

Throughout the Bible – with Isaac and Rebekah being part of the narrative – the reliability of all of God’s promises can be seen. The wonder of Christ’s birth motivates His followers to look forward with anticipation to when He returns. 

Pastor Daniel Bowman
Fish Creek Community


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