Genealogy of Christ - Booklet Cover & Introduction

“Matthew’s Begats” by Andrew Peterson sets the genealogy of Christ to song.
You can find that here:


Advent (from the Latin adventus, meaning "coming") begins on the 4th Sunday before Christmas Day, and is often considered a season of anticipation and hope. For many Christians it is not just about waiting for a Savior to be born, but also looking to a time when the Christ will come again, in power and with authority. The traditional Scripture readings for this time emphasize both the First and Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and our accountability for faithfulness.

The theme for this year is The Genealogy of Christ. Each of the devotions in this booklet features a Bible passage about a person or persons from the Matthew or Luke listings of Jesus’ ancestors. There is also an Advent theme for each Sunday that helps set the tone for each of the four weeks which is not directly tied to individuals.

We encourage you to read the genealogical accounts in Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38, and recognize that they’re not the same. They track the lineage of Christ in two different ways, like the Gospels tell the story of Christ’s ministry in different ways.

The family tree gives us two visuals of our connection to God – as one family through adoption and one tree through grafting. In each of these, we are not “naturally” a part of that family tree, but God brings us in and joins us to the Godhead by the Holy Spirit. So, it is true that we are both God’s beloved children (1 John 3:2) and branches to the vine (John 15:5).

May these Scripture texts and devotions lead you into a deeper understanding of God’s work through the ages, and strengthen the relationship with your Savior and Brother, Jesus Christ.

Love, Your Pastors

[Devotional Posts Begin Sunday, November 29, 2020]


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